Partner Events

How do companies tackle technological hurdles?

Thursday, September 28, 2017

During this Seminar Day, engineers, researchers and R&D managers from the manufacturing industry will come together to learn more about the results of some of our recent projects. In 3 parallel sessions, project managers and industrial partners will elaborate on their newly acquired knowledge and on concrete cases that help companies to innovate.

Each track has its own focus.

Track 1 digs deeper into the re-conception of product development processes and joining technologies for new (multi-)materials.
Track 2 develops Model Based System Engineering (MBSE), for intelligent development methods allowing interim virtual design validation.
Track 3 combines 3 very diverse projects, providing insights in new production technologies, learning control and sensor monitoring. 
At the start of every session, you can chose which track to follow and you can join as many sessions as you want. 

cEDM contribution:

Title: PoF qualification: physical & virtual testing of electronic components and systems
Abstract: Before electronic systems can be launched on the market, they must pass qualification tests according to international standards and customer-specified test programmes. Thermal and mechanical environmental loads are major causes for electronic system failures that also appear during these qualification tests. It is obvious that any failure detected in such tests is very expensive in terms of time and cost. Performing physical & virtual testing allows to find possible weak spots in the system in an early development phase when adaptations are still easy to make. In this seminar, we will show several examples on how reliability testing and simulation are used to test the electronic components and systems from a thermal and mechanical point of view.

Funding, Growing, and Exiting Semiconductor Startups in Europe

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

European start-ups have traditionally been a tremendous source of innovation in the semiconductor industry. However, two major difficulties limit their technological and business impact on the global market: raising capital and obtaining specific start-up support.

The Conference is the meeting place for start-ups, strategic investors, financial investors and everyone else who cares about the future of semiconductor and technology innovation in Europe. Our speakers will share their personal experiences in financing, IPO and acquisition exits for startups, as well as discussing the most promising areas of innovation in the European and global semiconductor ecosystem.

Emerging Technologies

Tuesday, June 27, 2017 to Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Meet and Learn from the Best Experts and Stakeholders in Your Industry

This forum will bring together industry key decision-makers, insightful experts and thought-leaders for a unique gathering to share experience and enjoy the ultimate networking opportunities. Come and network with engineers, business leaders, and visionaries — as well as the leading industry experts and European electronics designers, suppliers and users — who are shaping the future of electronics manufacturing.

Some of your industry's leading players are waiting for you:

  • Airbus
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Plexus
  • NPL
  • Safran
  • IMEC

Fascinating Programme and Speakers

The IPC Reliability Forum programme features interesting and relevant speakers with sessions that will offer powerful insights on inspiring others, maximising a team’s talent. The format will allow attendees to learn and share their experiences. The programme follows the process of product realisation, from design through final testing. We will focus on best practices for working with innovative processes and new materials and equipment.

Düsseldorf, a key location for the IPC Reliability Forum

Take advantage of this opportunity to be at the heart of Europe exploring one of the fastest growing segments within the electronics industry. Experience the benefits of joining this important European electronics environment.

Click here for more information.

cEDM contribution:

Title: Physics of Failure based quantification of life time for electronics board assemblies
Abstract: To avoid electronics hardware failures during qualification or even worse, in the field, it is of high interest to perform a life time prediction of electronic assemblies in a virtual testing environment through modelling and simulations. Crucial elements in the simulation environment are the Physics of Failure (PoF) models which are translating actual loading into a wear-out life time prediction. In this presentation, we will show the PoF model approaches for the major failure mechanisms (solder fractures, Al capacitor failure, plated through hole copper via fatigue) applied to practical applications.

Industrial assembly in the 21st century

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The classical assembly line is coming to a stop. Enter flexible production!

The assembly line was introduced in the early 1900s. It skyrocketed the productivity of workers, for the first time allowing efficient mass production of standard products. The line timed and coordinated the actual production, dividing the work into standard repetitive actions that required little explanation. But lately, products have become smarter, with customized and client-specific features. They no longer fit traditional mass production on a classical assembly line.
What we need today are flexible factories, factories where unique products can be assembled at a cost comparable to mass production. We are seeing the introduction of flexible, digital factories, where the status of each product is known at any time, together with its next production steps. In such a factory, the production configuration can be modified at any time and depending on product specifications. This flexibility is enabled through e.g. mobile robots and autonomous transport lines. For each product, the optimal mix is determined between accurate and efficient automation and human intelligence and flexibility.

In this seminar we will explore this flexible factory of the 21st century.

More info

Toekomst van elektronicaproductie in de Benelux

Tuesday, May 30, 2017 to Thursday, June 1, 2017

Electronics & Automation - De elektronicabeurs van de Benelux

Hoe ziet de Benelux markt voor elektronica productie er over 10 jaar uit? Veel productie is vetrokken naar Azië en later naar Oost-Europa. Maar dit was zeker niet altijd succesvol. Reshoring is een nieuwe trend. Maar de vraag van OEM’ers is wel veranderd. Om te kunnen voldoen aan kleine series en snelle levertijden moeten EMS’ers veranderen in een ‘smart factory’. De sprekers geven hun kijk op de toekomst en laten door middel van praktische presentaties zien hoe zij zich voorbereiden op de toekomst.

cEDM bijdrage:

Donderdag 1 juni: Competitief elektronica ontwerp en assemblage dichtbij de klant

Na een periode van outsourcing van de elektronica assemblage naar het verre Oosten, zien we meer en meer bedrijven de strategische beslissing nemen om productie dichter bij de (Westerse) klant te brengen. Geert Willems geeft zijn kijk op de redenen voor deze “re- of near-shoring”, en hoe de kennis van alle processen en methodologieën, vanaf het ontwerp tot bij de klant, een belangrijke bijdrage levert tot het succes van deze bedrijven. De rol van Design-for-eXcellence, modelering, simulatie en virtuele prototyping wordt toegelicht aan de hand van enkele praktische voorbeelden.

 Artikel in Engineers Online

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Curious about how Flanders Makes research projects can strengthen your company? Then join them on the 23rd of February for their first of two seminar days of the year.

On this day, Flanders Make and speakers from the companies involved will present the results and lessons learned from three of the projects:

  • Waste heat recuperation in vehicles
  • Low-cost embedded 1D vision sensors for smart monitoring applications
  • Model-based design of drivetrain cooling systems

The CEO Dirk Torfs will also give a presentation on the strategy of Flanders Make.

More info

Increasing your products immunity against electromagnetic disturbances: an approachable way.

Thursday, February 23, 2017 to Friday, February 24, 2017

The research group ReMI (Reliability in Mechatronics and ICT) organizes a course on basic and advanced techniques to increase the immunity of products against electromagnetic disturbances.

Due to the ever increasing use of electronic systems in almost every possible application, the generation of possible disturbances has been continuously growing over the last decade with no signs that this trend will be broken. Besides, one sees that electronic systems are being applied more and more in and for mission or even safety critical functions which require an extremely high resilience against all environmental stresses, including electromagnetic disturbances, over the whole foreseen lifetime. As a product developer it is often very difficult to assess the products environment, let alone foresee the effect of various electromagnetic disturbances on the product itself.

In this training course several topics about the immunity of electronic products and their electromagnetic environment are discussed. Low-cost pre-compliance debugging and protection techniques against ESD, surge transients, etc. are presented.

Key-Note Speaker:

Key-note speaker of this course is Keith Armstrong (UK). Keith has written many practical papers and books on design for EMC and EMC debugging. Much of his working life involves solving real-life EMC problems in high-technology products, systems, and installations, for a variety of companies and organisations in a wide range of industries. Keith has always aimed to make products easy to design and manufacture, work properly, please their users, and make money for their manufacturers.

Implementing Physics of Failure into the Design Process

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Innofour and DfR Solutions are pleased to invite you to the Seminar: “Implementing Physics of Failure into the Design Process” which will take place the 25th of January 2017 at High Tech Campus Eindhoven.
Attend this unique seminar in which Dr. Craig Hillman, Chief Executive Officer of DfR Solutions, will introduce you to how PCB reliability analysis challenges are solved by Sherlock, CAE software which is based on Physics of Failure (PoF).


Pressure to design products under budget and on time are the biggest challenge of Engineering teams. The challenge requires new methods to break away from the old design-build-test-fix iterative ad-hoc engineering flow. Physics based simulation is proving to be the way to make this change.
In this seminar, you will learn about the best methods and tools to incorporate the Physics of Failure modeling approach into your design process. You will gain information that will help you develop better, more reliable products faster and more efficiently no matter what industry you are in.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Following on from last years’ Silicon to Systems event, NMI have this year partnered with imec and DSP Valley to bring you the latest in how to develop low cost Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for almost any application.

Many people are put off designing ASICs because they think it’s too hard, too expensive or they don’t have the skills. This conference aims to show you that an ASIC could be easier and less costly than you think. It will show there are a range of strategies that can be used to successfully implement an ASIC solution even in low to moderate volumes.

Come along to imec’s headquarters in Leuven, Belgium and hear from the experts and peers on how to do it, how it may be easier and less costly than you think. Come and see some case studies that show designing your own ASIC can be done at a very low cost and without the need for acquiring significant overhead. You will hear about some of the other advantages, such as IP protection, that comes with low cost ASICS. So no matter if it’s a first time design in ASIC or a cost reduction from FPGA or PCB this conference has something for you.

There is strong interest in this event expect to hear keynote speakers from TSMC and imec together with contributions from a range of other industry speakers as well as several real world case studies.

According to Phill Christie of the Business Technolgoy & Strategy Group at imec “The continued falling cost of ASIC manufacturing is a message that really needs to get out. This message is especially important for start-ups and SMEs focussing on IoT markets, where more mature technologies have a strong role play. I think the conference on Easy Access ASICs will be a tremendous networking opportunity and an excellent way to gain access to the low-cost manufacturing infra-structure that is now in place.”

Patrick McNamee from the NMI continued “ It seems that in semiconductors all the news in the last year or so has been about mergers and acquisitions. However our members are telling us that there is a real and growing demand from SME’s to enable them to get into ASIC for a whole range applications including IOT, medical and automotive sectors this conference should demonstrate several ways this can be achieved at low cost.”


4th 'European Expert Workshop on Reliability of Electronics and Smart Systems'

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 to Wednesday, October 19, 2016

cEDM attended the “4th European Expert Workshop on Reliability of Electronics and Smart Systems” in Berlin. About 30 reliability experts from mainly industrial companies attended this workshop which is the annual forum for addressing the concerns of reliability, robustness, and functional safety of new products and technologies in the field of electronics and smart systems. It makes further research requirements on reliability methodology clearly visible, not only to the electronics packaging community but also to the representatives of funding agencies at national and European levels.

The first day of the workshop was dedicated to latest results on reliability research presented by the experts. The second day The second elaborated on the research direction concerning functional safety and system availability, i.e., on new methods for self-diagnostics, predictive and preventive maintenance. Right now, these subjects receive massive attention as they are seen as key enablers of many of the new application scenarios: Autonomous driving, Industry 4.0, Smart grid and other smart infra-structure solutions.

Finally, a roadmap for Prognostic Health Monitoring (PHM) is defined during the meeting which will guide the research in the coming years.
