Welcome to EDM Forum

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OUR NEW WEBSITE IS NOW ONLINE. Please, visit www.edmforum.eu.
This website will remain accessible until October 31, 2024.

EDM Forum Offering

  • Design guidelines
  • Supporting tools
  • Pred-X (PBA simulation tool)
  • EDM Workshops & seminars
  • DfX Helpdesk
  • Failure Analysis
  • Customer oriented training  






EDM Forum Mission Statement

To support the development, manufacturing and product life cycle management of high quality, reliable and cost-effective electronics by means of knowledge creation and sharing, scientifically sound methodologies and collaboration throughout the electronic supply chain.  










EDM Forum Objectives

  • Complexity management of electronic product development and deployment: New Product Introduction (NPI).
  • Better quality and more reliable electronics at lower cost
  • Design: Design-for-eXcellence
  • Qualification: more efficient, more effective
  • Manufacturing: better prepared with quantified quality.
  • Product life cycle: quantified and controlled. 

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EDM Forum Membership

As EDM Forum member you get access to the knowledge base of the EDM Forum and receive a discount on the consultancy services of the EDM Forum.

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